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Actionable Discovery Guide
Introduction To This Guide
How to use this guide (1:53)
One more thing (2:03)
Let's Briefly Reframe Discovery (0:43)
Structure Of Your First Call (How To)
Context for this section (0:24)
How exactly it should start (2:48)
ANOT (1:39)
Bring up misconceptions (if you need to) (0:55)
Who we work with (1:28)
What happens after you start? (4:02)
If the prospect shares problems (3:38)
Raise more Issues (part 1) (2:57)
Raise more issues (part 2) (1:13)
Transition to HOW we can help (5:58)
The "I don't know what I don't know" prospect (Beginning of call) (2:32)
The "I don't know what I don't know" prospect (End of call) (3:03)
Have a Hypothesis (Reminder)
Hypothesis (0:30)
Raising Problems
Asking your first problem question (3:12)
To What Extent (2:05)
The power of recapping (2:44)
The Problem Tree (2:31)
Section summary
Next Steps Insights
We've found (1:02)
C-Level Executive
Discovery with C level Execs (1:34)
How To Ask The Most Difficult Discovery Questions
Asking for permission (2:08)
The tough question formula (1:38)
Use Humbling Disclaimers
If you're afraid to bombard your prospect with questions (3:11)
If you're afraid to bring up certain topics (1:49)
Clarification questions
Stumbling on your questions? Just say so (0:57)
Bring the Past to the Present (2:09)
Bring the Future To The Present (1:25)
Use a Negative Disposition (2:06)
Problem Questions
Context for this session (0:58)
How widely known? (1:02)
The Scale (2:18)
The Two Camps (2:27)
Platform aside (1:35)
What have you tried? (1:33)
Why no tool? (1:24)
What makes you say that? (1:02)
Why do you feel that way? (1:15)
What's your opinion? (1:51)
Why is that important? (1:31)
Was there a time when?.. (0:56)
Why now? (0:54)
What have you tried? (2:28)
Ideal solution
Pretending we can (Metrics question) (1:59)
Asking prospects WHY
From "WHY" to "WHAT" (1:29)
Listening Triggers
The Four Triggers (4:08)
Keeping the thread (1:10)
Calling Out The Prospect
Context for this section (0:39)
You don't have a problem [Updated] (2:50)
You don't believe we can help you (0:45)
You'll be ok without us
Lost opportunity (1 of 2) (0:57)
Lost opportunity (2 of 2) (1:07)
Mutual skepticism (2:37)
Empathetic statements
If you're not going to use the platform
Questions on Questions
Great phrases to use (1:36)
Section summary
Everything About Your DEMO
BEFORE Your Demo (4:56)
DURING your demo (Discovery questions) (1:23)
DURING your demo (Clarification questions)
Open ended type questions (1:01)
When More People Are Joining (1:58)
Point out BOTH Gains and Loss Prevention (0:54)
What stood out? (1:04)
Worst Solution Ever?
Buying Process Questions (2:23)
The Timeline Tester (Version 1) (1:51)
The Timeline Tester (Version 2) (1:21)
How do you feel about the Pricing?
Fixing a bad habit (1:22)
Death Words vs Life Words (1:33)
Section summary
The Mysterious Discovery/Demo
Context for this section (0:37)
Demo on your first call (2:03)
The classic Intro/Demo call
Section summary
The End Of Your Calls (How to)
The TWO Outcomes
End of Call Clarification Questions
What do you anticipate?
Effective Impact Questions
Context for this section (1:43)
Developing Your Impact Questions (3:18)
Can I ask?
Have you thought about...?
What's that costing?
Stories and Metrics
Looking for a story (1:54)
Financial impact questions
Prospect Objections (Negotiation)
Context for this section (1:32)
Isolating the objection (0:59)
"Can we get a lower price?" [Updated]
"The price is quite high"
"That price is quite high for this tool"
"Can we get more seats?" (0:24)
"Can we get a discount?"
"This is more expensive than I thought"
"Can we get a discount?" 4 Levers
"I can't get budget from other groups"
"We realized we don't have the budget for this" (0:55)
"That's more than we were looking to spend"
"We're really happy with what we have now"
"What's the ROI from clients that work with you?"
Once an agreement is sent - Make the call!
"Your competitor is cheaper"
"What's the best price we can get?"
Section summary
Prospect Objections (Losing Control)
Context for this section (0:47)
"We don't know what we don't know"
"Can we just see a demo?" / "We only have 20 minutes"
"Send us the pricing and we'll get back to you"
"We left the other vendor because they were too expensive"
"I am the decision maker"
"My boss does not need a demo"
"Let's discuss with our team & get back to you"
"Let's discuss with our team & get back to you" (Version II) (2:00)
"None of that resonates with us"
"Just email us the pricing"
What is the Pricing? (Aggressive Prospect) (3:34)
Section summary
Looking For Trouble
Context on this section (0:43)
Reasons not to work together (1:07)
Timing or something else? (0:59)
Price aside (1:14)
Getting Ahead of Procurement
Dealing with procurement (0:51)
The PROSPECT'S Competition
Bringing up your competition
Poor economic environment (1:05)
Poor economic environment II (2:17)
Poor economic environment III
Trigger opportunities (1:26)
Section summary
Pricing Phraseology
Pricing w/ Context (2:11)
I don't suppose
Most often
Section summary
Helpful 'Conversation Twisters'
Context for this session (0:40)
"Just so I.."
"Just curious"
Twister Master Summary
Section summary
FUN ways to get your contract back via email
Context for this section (1:03)
More accurate than optimistic (phone) (1:12)
More accurate than optimistic (emails) (1:54)
Going Golfing
We haven't reviewed the contract yet
Making sure you're on the same page
When you WANT to walk away from a deal
When your late stage prospect keeps ghosting you
Section summary
Teasing Pricing
Teasing pricing flexibility (Email)
Ingredients To Ask Better Questions
How To Avoid Bad Questions (2:05)
Reasons for your questions
Section summary
My Discovery Advice
Context for this section (0:25)
Be A Sloth (2:31)
Fire yourself from your job (2:46)
The THREE Things (2:08)
Hang this next to your laptop
Mindset Advice (2:08)
Not necessary
My biggest regret in discovery (1:04)
Don't be so giving (1:29)
How To Not Die Alone
Biggest Sales Mistake I Made
A Very Embarrassing Story (1:00)
What Helped Me Hit My Quota (2:15)
Impact questions are AWKWARD
Stay in control (2:26)
Express your assumptions
If you only had two choices (3:05)
Missing Quota (1:27)
How to Build Trust (1:45)
About Curiosity (1:28)
Terrible Questions (Currently in progress...)
Do you find this useful? (1:11)
Master Discovery Summary
Master summary (0:45)
Last but not least
Did you like it? (0:52)
Self Reflection and Improvement
What Habits Are Holding You Back
Teach online with
The Problem Tree
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